Daily 3
I'm all about writing. It's just hard to make it happen.
A daily list of three? That, I'm finding, I can do!
Sometimes I only take literally three minutes to scribble three observations from the day, but somehow I'm keeping up. It's a little moment of gratitude when I stop at the end of the day to ponder the highlights of the last 18 hours, and I feel pretty darn awesome that I have made it to day #172!
There are so many moments in a day, and I want to remember them. A New Year's resolution I gave myself for 2019 was to write a list for every day — practice what I preach in List Your Life: A Modern-Day Memoir and Trace Your Travels: An Adventure Journal. I have failed miserably at journaling in the past, but I am super proud that I've managed to document every single day so far this year.
Even a list of three little thoughts can be a chore. When the day is done and laundry is finished and homework is completed and we made it to all the practices and I've planned my upcoming lessons and the dishes are done — I'm just so tired to think of writing. Many nights I have to tell myself, "It's just three. Just three quick moments from the day." A daily list is the first writing goal that I've been able to accomplish.
Aside from a couple of slip ups where I had to go back to the previous day…I did it! Late winter nights when it's been dark for hours by the time I lay down. Spring days when the sunlight stretches into pajama time. There are definitely occasions when I simply fell asleep (likely with the light on because I was in the midst of what I was yet to finish). The next day, I'd forgive myself, jot the prior day's events, and then carry on.
To avoid excuse or forget, I keep a couple of writing utensils right beside the bed. I also have my journal in the line of sight of the lamp so I have to see it before the light goes out. I really have to bait myself and hedge any possible deterrents because I have tried to journal before, and I know writing failure.
Sometimes, three is plenty. Some days just aren't that exciting. But on other days the list grows and grows. It seems silly that I have to give myself permission to stop at three to even get myself to the point of writing, but I do. Sad truth. That said, on those nights when all is right in the house and I'm not crushing to go to sleep, I'll find that I linger with the pen and write beyond the three.
Time is passing, and already I like to look back at my lists and remember. I know for sure I wouldn't recall the delicate snow falling on our first snow day of this year, that particularly good day with my seventh hour students, or the color of the pink sky on our first pontoon ride of this season. I'm glad I have these tiny parts of my life recorded.
With 193 days left in 2019, I'll use the success of the year so far to carry me forward. Beautiful memories are listed, and there is so much still to anticipate. My lists of three are capturing my stories as I go!
I am so very thankful, the words cannot convey how thankful I am, for the time, space, and support to create this gift for myself, and I hope that others might find List Your Life as the motivator to unlock some of their stories and discover the celebrations of their lives, too.